Lake Ecosystem EcologyLake Ecosystems, Structure, Function and ChangeEcological Zonation in LakesLittoral ZoneBenthic Invertebrate Fauna, Lake and ReservoirsTrophic Dynamics in Aquatic EcosystemsEutrophication of Lakes and ReservoirsPaleolimnologyEffects of Climate Change on LakesModeling of Lake EcosystemsHydrodynamics and Mixing in LakesBiological-Physical InteractionsMixing Dynamics in Lakes across Climatic ZonesDensity Stratification and StabilitySmall-Scale Turbulence and Mixing: Energy Fluxes in Stratified LakesThe Benthic Boundary LayerCurrents in Stratified Water BodiesMeromictic LakesLakes and Reservoirs of the WorldOrigins of Types of Lake BasinsGeomorphology of Lake BasinsAbundance and Size Distribution of Lakes, Ponds and ImpoundmentsSaline Inland Waters